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Father Chaminade's Views on Baptism

1 To understand Father Chaminade's view of baptism, we need to look at how he acted regarding it.
①He often held retreats on baptism.
②Baptism was always mentioned in retreats on other themes as well.
③He also spoke about baptism in sermons to his disciples and at meetings.
④The retreat always ended with baptismal renewal.

2 So why did Father Chaminade place such importance on baptism? Let us explore the origins of his thoughts and activities.
 ①Due to the influence of the French Revolution, Catholic teachings and practices were banned for about 10 years. Therefore, in order to re-establish the Catholic Church and deepen the faith of its followers, it became an urgent task to confer the sacraments of baptism and confirmation.
 ②The conflict between the Catholic Church and society in France was similar to the conflict between the early church, where Christianity was born, and Jewish society. In both cases, expressing one's faith meant risking one's life. Father Chaminade's determination to rebuild the church in the chaotic society after the French Revolution was a courageous act, even one prepared to be martyred.
 ③The inspiration he received in Zaragoza became Father Chaminade's model. Baptism was at the center of his way of life. This is because by living baptism, we become like Christ and share in his holiness. Also, by sharing the Gospel, we can bring Christ to people. Father Chaminade set this model in the Virgin Mary, and believed that we too can reach Christ under Mary's protection. This is because the Virgin Mary is the model of faith, and through Mary we can approach Christ. It was for this reason that Father Chaminade placed the Virgin Mary at the foundation of Marianist life.
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