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As foryou, everybody is a propagator.
Shammy nerd father
Through Maria to yes
Wedding ceremony in the kana
 If "I tell you about what this person is,
It is exactly like that and will have it" 
Gospel two chapters five sections by John
Respice Stellam, Voca Mariam!
You look up to a star, and call for the name of Maria!
January 5, 1888
I establish a community in Japan 
It is home pe ji of the Society of Mary total headquarters (Rome).
Society of Mary - boy monastic order -
1-2-43, Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Shammy nerd monastery


Cinerarium type of late Josef Ikeda travelogue father
The ceremony of cinerarium of late Josef Ikeda travelogue father was over. Thank you, sisters of FMI which had you attended it and pray, all of MLC. I give thanks with thanks.
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