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It is home pe ji of the Society of Mary total headquarters (Rome).
Society of Mary - boy monastic order -
1-2-43, Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Shammy nerd monastery

The community which a shammy nerd father was thinking about

"The community" is the key understanding a thought to Father shammy nerd and is basics.

When 1 French Revolution was over, the shammy nerd father came back to Bordeaux in autumn of 1800. And I gathered young people immediately and tried for the spread of the Gospel. Shammy nerd fathers grasp states of the church of France well during a period of the exile, and this shows that I surrounded it with deep insight about a church rebuilding method. It was "the Gospel propagation" to have occupied the heart of the shammy nerd father.
At first, I gathered comrades, and the historical person aiming at complete reform and the rebuilding of the church founded a monastic order. However, the shammy nerd father paid his attention to the establishment of "the community of the believer". A community energized by the Gospel brings up faith and is realized, and this is because it was convinced that it can make people come near in live models. I gave the church where the community by such believers was damaged in religious indifference and ignorance of France the light and was convinced when it was a way of the rebuilding.

Community "konguregashion" (Holy Mother society) which started developed into the meeting of mother, the meeting of father from the meeting of 2 youth before long and developed to the community consisting of people in social class which both every occupation, education and the social position varied in. As an organization and structure became very weak in the church after the revolution of France, "konguregashion" (Holy Mother society) played a role as the parish. The shammy nerd father insisted, "konguregashion (Holy Mother society) is the miniature of the church, a miniature of people of God". "The Holy Mother society has special reason for being in a church after a parish activity got on track. I said, that is because it was at an opportunity to experience Christ as an experience, the community which people particularly young people could not experience in the parish.

There was the following characteristic in 3 konguregashion (Holy Mother society).
 ①Equality-related: A motto of the French Revolution adopted mind of "freedom, equality, the philanthropism" in the community. In those days when class-consciousness remained after the revolution, this equality characteristics attracted people's attention.

 ②Diversity: Anyone was able to find own place to stay in a community as I mentioned it with 2 mentioned above. This diversity meant the diversity of the activity that "would work on a church needing it on the spot then".
 ③A believer-related: On the Gospel propagation, it is a pioneer of "the post of believer apostle" who a believer takes responsibility, and becomes a leader.

 ④A community-related: I prove Christ not only as an individual in society as a group. Of "saint towards the world the thing indicating the group" was the aim of the shammy nerd father.

What 4 shammy nerd fathers expected in konguregashion (Holy Mother society)
 ①Being proof
The community "can prove sacred people by living in the Gospel literally". This is one paragraph of the letter which a shammy nerd father sent to the Pope grego Rio 16th in 1838. Rationalism strode in France at the time and accepted the Gospel and it was impossible to live according to the Gospel and insisted that there was not a meaning. For this trend "such a thing does not conclude. The Gospel still had a meaning, and the shammy nerd father insisted, perfection can practice it.
 It was konguregashion (Holy Mother society) by the believer that I was founded in order to realize this idea. They worked hard at practice of the Gospel by the proof of the community.
 ②Attractive thing
The member of konguregashion (Holy Mother society) "can become you that I attract others by way of life itself". This was way of the first church drawn on apostle record of a person's sayings and deeds two chapters and Chapter 4 of life. "All the believers became one, and, with all things as joint ownership, everybody each shared that as needed. Saying I went to the shrine with a heart as one earnestly, and goodwill was put by the whole people as I praised God with joy and true heart. konguregashion (Holy Mother society) of Bordeaux attracted the interest of people by showing similar way of life.

 ③Diffuse thing
Such "a community produces new communities. I enlarged the attractive community for multiplying it, and, in the same way as the growth process of a certain life thing, the Father shammy nerd thought saying it can be the means that was an appearance to make society re-Christianity.
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